Tag Archives: Abu al-Walid

Why do Chechans commit Suicide attacks? CPOST research reveals

Map of Chechnya- Source: Worldatlas.com

The New York Times covered a story yesterday on March 30th, 2010, on the research done by the Chicago Project on Security and Terrorism on the Chechan suicide attacks, especially by the Chechan women.

Its a very important and informative read. It is also important because of the 2 recent bombings in the Subway in Russia, that Russia is calling it to be the works of “Islamic” Extremists. Even though presently, it is not known who is behind the Russian submay bombings but the article tells us the reasons of the suicide attacks by Chechans in Russia.

Chechnya’s leading rebel commanders, Doku Umarov, issued video statements warning of attacks in Russia proper. “The Russians think the war is distant,” he said. “Blood will not only spill in our towns and villages but also it will spill in their towns … our military operations will encompass the entirety of Russia.” He also made clear that his campaign was not about restoring any Islamic caliphate, but about Chechen independence:

 “This is the land of our brothers and it is our sacred duty to liberate these lands.”

Read the full article in order to understand further.

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